Sarah Doke is a certified advanced mediator specializing in family mediation. She provides online family mediation in Texas and in-person family mediation in Tyler and the East Texas area. Contact her today to schedule a family dispute mediation.

Helping Families In Crisis

Most family law disputes are contentious. Each party’s emotions run high, and they may lose sight of what’s important. They want to go to court, but they frequently don’t understand the ramifications of doing so--on themselves, their children, and the rest of their family. They also won’t be very happy if the judge rules against them.

While going to family court may sometimes be the only answer, a much better and cheaper alternative is to enlist a licensed family mediator to help each party and counsel negotiate an equitable settlement agreement. Through mediation, each party gets the chance to be heard and help develop the agreement, which is a better situation for them and their children.

Online Family Mediation Services In Texas

Family court mediation services can be conducted entirely online. Moving a mediation session online has many benefits, and it’s often simpler to conduct than an in-person session. You’ll be able to participate in the mediation anywhere in Texas, including your office. Contact Sarah today to schedule an online mediation.

Contact Sarah

In-Person Family Mediation Services In Tyler & East Texas

Traditional in-person mediation may be a better option for you and your client. The formality of an in-person session may wind up providing an environment your client is more comfortable with. Sarah provides in-person mediation services in Tyler, Longview, and East Texas. Contact Sarah today to schedule an in-person mediation.

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Moving Forward With Family Dispute Resolution

Sarah Doke has practiced family law for 25 years. In that time, she’s discovered that divorcing couples often want to be heard and understood. They want their feelings and experiences validated. A lot of times, they’re under the impression that they will be heard in court. Frequently they don’t understand the permanence of court hearings.

Sarah’s approach to family mediation always begins by encouraging each party to share their feelings. She lets them know that they’ve been heard, and this encourages them to come to the table to reach an agreement while giving her insight into their motivations.

She also encourages each party to focus on how best they can help their children. By encouraging each party to speak about their feelings, she can help them refocus on creating a healthy environment for their children.

If your client would benefit from family mediation services, contact Sarah to schedule a mediation session today.

Contact Sarah

Mediation Rates

Full-Day Session

$1000 per party

Half-Day Session

$500 per party

Additional Time

$125 per additional hour